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January 1977

The Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus was “an association of interested individuals and groups, formed with the objective of promulgating the concerns and freedoms of gay people and all sexual minorities.” The report was used as outreach to the Central PA LGBTQ+ community. In this report, the Caucus mentions the location of the February meeting and provides the meeting minites from the previous January meeting.

Meeting minutes of note are: 

  • Deputy State Attorney General addressed the Caucus and discussed the "Sodomy Repeal Bill," as well as the concern about PA Senate Bill 83, which would bar gay or lesbian individuals from certain employment positions
  • Report on the Lebanon High School student who committed sucide and how the Caucus Education Committee was to proceed with outreach and support
  • Report on the Telephone Tree that was established 
  • Discussion of the status of other organizations that are part of the Rural Gay Caucus
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Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns