Selected Highlights from this Issue
- President Fred Corson (class of 1917) delivered an address before the Association of American Colleges in Philadelphia on the possible future limitations on a private college’s freedom.
- The Soviets captured Rev. Gaither P. Warfield (class of 1917) during the invasion of Poland and held him for six weeks until he was released during a prisoner exchange with Nazi Germany. Warfield had been working as a missionary in Warsaw.
- Dr. Roy W. Mohler (class of 1917) was appointed as the attending obstetrician and gynecologist as well as chief of the outpatient department at a Philadelphia hospital.
- Dickinson received a copy of William T. Kinzer's (class of 1860) diary. The Alumnus published extracts from the diary that revealed student life at Dickinson in the late 1850s.
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