Gilmore, John Calhoun

    Entries drawn from collection & document descriptions

Letter from John Gilmore to His Sister
June 2, 1855

John Gilmore, class of 1856, writes to his sister and discusses his life as a student at Dickinson College. Gilmore discusses the recent weather, his fellow students especially the women who he says "are very fine looking rather handsome, intelligent and interesting, rather aristocratic." In...

Letter from John Gilmore to "Lib"
June 1856

John Calhoun Gilmore writes to "Lib" prior to the Dickinson College Commencement exercises about his class rank in the Class of 1856. Gilmore lists the full ranking of the class of 1856 in his letter. "You will see that my standing is high - I am the first one next to the honor men," as Gilmore...

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