
Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00478
Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00464)

Spoon found west of 255 West Louther St. when installing handicap ramp in Fall 2004.


John Dickinson Society Pocket Notebook

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00747
Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00746- AC 00750)

Black leather pocket notebook with "John Dickinson Society" embossed on the cover, given to members of the society. Inside the "3 P's of Public Speaking" and "Speaker's First Aid Kit" cards can be found. 


Dickinson Caf Tray, 2010

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00596
Shelf 9

A red cafeteria tray with the college seal in the top right corner. The use of trays was discontinued in 2010, and a tray was presented as a gift to the each member of the class of 2010 during graduation by President Bill Durden.


Navy Chaplain Service Case, c.1950

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00336
RR 05

A black faux leather case containing items for Christian religious services, belonging to Amos B. Horlacher.  Items include silver communion cups, a silver cross and, silver candle sticks as well as Bibles and religious texts.  The case is lined with red velvet and has a false top that lays flat across the items.  


Lewis Gobrecht's Academic Tassel, 1955

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00432
Shelf 2 (housed with 00433-00436, 00443, 00459, 00470)

Academic tassel of black braided cord worn by Lewis Gobrecht, class of 1955. Gobrecht majored in Political Science and History at Dickinson and was an active member of the College Choir, Glee Club, and the Dickinson Follies theater group. Gobrecht went on to have a long career teaching middle-school history in Carlisle.
