Two Dickinson graduates receive scholarships from Columbia University

Date of Event
Sun., Apr. 27, 1930

G.  Worthington Post, class of 1928, received the Pulitzer Travelling Scholarship by Columbia School of Journalism.  As a recipient of this award, Post had the opportunity to spend a year in Europe to study 'the social, political and moral conditions of the people and the character and principles of the European Press.'  While at Dickinson, Post was a member of the Dickinsonian and became an  associate editor during his final two years.  After graduation, Post became the editor-in-chief of the Columbia Journal. In addition,  A.L.

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LaVerne Casner wins the Class of 1902 award

Date of Event
Thu., Feb. 27, 1930

LaVerne Casner (Class of 1931) received the annual Class of 1902 award for his stellar athletic career at Dickinson; Casner played football, basketball and ran track. Casner was also a member of the  junior class honorary society, Skull and Key, and vice president of his class. This award was given annually to the most "typical Dickinsonian."

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Arts Award Presented to David Mamet

Date of Event
Tue., Apr. 2, 1985

David Mamet, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright was the recipient of the Dickinson College Arts Award for the 1984-1985 academic year. Mamet was born in Chicago in 1947 and was artist-in-residence at Goddard College in 1971. He is the author of the current Broadway play "Glengarry Glen Ross", and previously headed the Directing programs at New York University, The University of Chicago, and the Yale Drama School. The award was presented at 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 2 in Mathers Theater.

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Sue Murray and Doug Wert win Gould Awards

Date of Event
Thu., May 21, 1959

During the Mermaid Players banquet on May 21, Sue Murray and Doug Wert (both Class of 1959) received the Gould Awards. This award was presented to two students deemed the most outstanding in the field of drama. President William Edel selected the recipients based on recommendations from the faculty as well as the results of a secret ballot of Mermaid Players members.

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Wheel and Chain Honor Society taps Seven Junior Women

Date of Event
Thu., Apr. 23, 1959

The senior women's honor society Wheel and Chain tapped seven junior women on the basis of their "activities, scholarship, character, service and leadership." The seven women were: Nancy Cross, Marjorie Crowley, Sandra Deichle, Dottie Lee, Beth Griffith, Merie Tegtmeier and Carolyn Wherly. In addition, Wheel and Chain presented their annual first year woman award to Susie Cooper.

Event Type

Dickinson "D" Club honors Coach McAndrews

Date of Event
Sat., Nov. 11, 1961

On the evening of Friday November, 10, 1961, Richard H. McAndrews was honored by hundreds of his former athletes in a testimonial dinner presented by the Dickinson "D" Club. "Mac" was dedicated to Dickinson athletics for 51 years. Starting in 1911 as a football trainer, he worked his way to becoming head baseball coach in 1918 and the following year, head basketball coach. Mac held both positions until 1947 when he became advisory coach until his retirement in 1949. For the following 12 years, Mac attended nearly all athletic events and was the heart of the athletic community.

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Black Hats tap Ten Sophomores during Spring Formal

Date of Event
Fri., Apr. 14, 1961

During the Spring Formal intermission on April 14, the Skull and Key honorary society for junior men tapped ten sophomores as new members. In addition, the Black Hats selected Gus Bird as the recipient of their annual award that recognized the most outstanding man in the freshman class. Bird was the pledge class president in Phi Kappa Sigma and competitive swimmer.

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Honors Announced for Blue Hats, ODK, and SAC

Date of Event
Thu., Apr. 7, 1988

On April 7th, 1988, tappings for the honorary organizations on campus were held. The Student Alumnae Council, Omicron Delta Kappa, and the Wheel & Chain Society all announced their new members. The Student Alumnae Council awarded students for their service to the Dickinson and Carlisle community. Omicron Delta Kappa, a national honorary fraternity, selected their new members: membership was based on scholarship, athletics, and other extracurricular activities. The Wheel & Chain Society, or more informally known as the Blue Hats, tapped their new members as well.

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James Tisdel Receives ODK Award

Date of Event
Sat., Apr. 25, 1942

In Guest Day Chapel on April 25, 1942, James Tisdel received the Omicron Delta Kappa Award given to the most outstanding member of the sophomore class.  He was manager of the basketball team, treasurer and steward of Phi Kappa Psi, a member of The Dickinsonian's business staff, an intramural soccer player, and a member of the Mohler Scientific Club and the All-College Committee of Conservation and Contact.

Event Type