Award Ceremonies

    Entries drawn from the college history timeline

Thu., Feb. 27, 1930

LaVerne Casner (Class of 1931) received the annual Class of 1902 award for his stellar athletic career at Dickinson; Casner played football, basketball and ran track. Casner was also a member of the  junior class honorary society, Skull and Key, and vice president of his class. This award was...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Sun., Apr. 27, 1930

G.  Worthington Post, class of 1928, received the Pulitzer Travelling Scholarship by Columbia School of Journalism.  As a recipient of this award, Post had the opportunity to spend a year in Europe to study 'the social, political and moral conditions of the people and the character and...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Mar. 10, 1931

Milton Davidson, '33, became the first recipient of the Omicron Delta Kappa Sophomore Cup.  ODK created the cup in 1931 to be awarded to the member of the sophomore class deemed most exceptional in a combination of the fields of athletics, scholarship, publications, social leadership, and...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Feb. 18, 1932

On February 18th, Professor Ernest Albert Vuilleumier announced that the committee tasked with selecting a recipient for the Class of 1902 Award had chosen Joseph F. Lipinski as the most typical Dickinsonian in the Junior class.  Lipinski's classmates voted him the best candidate for the award...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 17, 1932

Richard Wolfrom, '34, received the Omicron Delta Kappa award to the member of the sophomore class most outstanding in leadership.  Wolfrom, from Shippensburg, was the baseball manager, sports editor of The Dickinsonian, and vice-president of his class and had earned a B-average. ...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Apr. 21, 1932

William M. Gilbert, '32, won the competition for the scholarship to study in Germany that was awarded annually by the German Department and the German Club.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 30, 1933

Richard Lindsey was awarded the Omicron Delta Kappa Cup presented to the most outstanding member of the sophomore class in the March 30 chapel service.  Lindsey was honored on the basis of his athletic record, 2.0 GPA, and roles in student government.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Fri., Jun. 9, 1933

Lloyd Hughes, '34, received the gold watch annually presented by the Class of 1902 to the most typical Dickinsonian of the junior class.  He was awarded the watch at the final chapel service of the year on June 9, 1933.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Fri., Oct. 20, 1933

President James H. Morgan was named an honorary member of Omicron Delta Kappa during chapel on Oct. 20, 1933. Omircron Delta Kappa is a national honors organization that recognizes male student leadership. Dickinson's Upsilon Chapter was established in 1927. 

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Sat., May 3, 1941

As part of the 1941 Founders' Day ceremonies, Dr. S. Luther Bare of Westminster, Maryland, awarded the Class of 1902 Award to George F. Myers, '42.  Myers' classmates had elected him as the most all-around Dickinsonian.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Sat., Apr. 25, 1942

In Guest Day Chapel on April 25, 1942, James Tisdel received the Omicron Delta Kappa Award given to the most outstanding member of the sophomore class.  He was manager of the basketball team, treasurer and steward of Phi Kappa Psi, a member of The Dickinsonian's business staff, an...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Sat., May 2, 1942

Norman Olewiler received the Class of 1902 Award for being the most outstanding member of the junior class.  Olewiler was a member of the basketball team, president of Phi Kappa Psi, and an academic high achiever.  Mr. E. Garfield Gifford ('02) presented the award to Olewiler during the 1942...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., May 5, 1947

Hiram Andrews, minority leader of the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives, became a honorary member of the Union Philosophical Society (UPS) at their annual banquet.  Andrews also spoke at the banquet about the need for education, especially history.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 20, 1952

Dr. Hugh Stott Taylor, dean of the graduate school at Princeton University, was presented the Inaugural Joseph Priestley Award, giving an address titled "Catalytic Research - Modern Trends" at the ceremony. The award, established in memory of Joseph Priestley, the discoverer of oxygen, is given...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Mar. 10, 1953

Dr. Paul R. Burkholder, class of 1924, Osborne Professor of Botany and chairman of the department of Plant Science at Yale University was presented the 1953 Priestley Award. At the ceremony Dr. Burkholder, discoverer of chloromycetin, gave an address titled "The Service of Science to Society"....

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Apr. 22, 1954

Karl T. Compton, Chairman of the Corporation at Massachusetts Institute of Technology was presented with the annual Priestley Award. Compton gave an address at the ceremony titled "Some Applications of the Van de Graaff High Voltage Generator to Medicine and Food Technology."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 24, 1955

Harold C. Urey of the University of Chicago whose discovery of deuterium earned him the 1934 Nobel Prize in Chemistry is presented the 1955 Priestley Award.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 22, 1956

Detlev W. Bronk, President of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, is presented the 1956 Priestley Award.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 28, 1957

Theoretical Physicist Edward Teller, member of the Manhatten Project and professor at the Radiation Laboratory at the University of California was presented the 1957 Priestley award.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 27, 1958

Physical chemist George B. Kistiakowsky, professor at Harvard University and member of the Manhattan Project, was presented with the 1958 Priestley Award.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Sep. 30, 1958

Phi Beta Kappa, a nation wide collegiate honor society, initiated four senior Dickinsonians, Mary Bunyan, Alan Kellerman, John H. Potts and Alan Raderman, into the Alpha chapter in Pennsylvania. These four students had been elected to this honor society at the end of the 1957-1958 academic year...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Oct. 30, 1958

Omicron Delta Kappa, a national honorary leadership organization, tapped two juniors (Class of 1960), John Curley and Tom Wright, and four seniors (Class of 1959), David Grove, Cal Lewis, Paul Lotke, Al Smith. Each new member was tapped based on their academics and leadership roles on campus. ...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 19, 1959

Willard Frank Libby of the Atomic Energy Commission, developer of radiocarbon dating, was presented the 1959 Priestley Award. At the ceremony  Libby gave an address titled "Radiocarbon Dating."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Apr. 23, 1959

The senior women's honor society Wheel and Chain tapped seven junior women on the basis of their "activities, scholarship, character, service and leadership." The seven women were: Nancy Cross, Marjorie Crowley, Sandra Deichle, Dottie Lee, Beth Griffith, Merie Tegtmeier and Carolyn Wherly. In...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Fri., May 8, 1959

Poet Robert Frost was presented the inaugural Dickinson College Arts Award, endowed by members of the Board of Trustees in honor of College President William W. Edel. The award recognizes an individual who has made an outstanding contribution in the Arts, Letters, or Humanities. After the...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies


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