Dickinson Alumnus, September 1932

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees discussed expanding campus with the purchase of the Mooreland Track.
  • Harry L. Price (class of 1896), president of the Alumni Association, suggested moving John Dickinson's grave from Wilmington, Delaware, to Carlisle.
  • President Karl Waugh's inauguration took place during Commencement in June 1932.
  • The Tome Scientific Building's basement became a special laboratory for physical chemistry.
  • Rev. John J. Snavely (class of 1904) became a district superintendent for the Methodist Episcopal Church in New York. 
  • Kappa Sigma moved out of East College and into a new fraternity house, which was located at the northeast corner of College and Louther Streets. 

Dickinson Alumnus, May 1930

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees authorized an increase in enrollment to 600 students.
  • Commander William W. Edel (class of 1915), a Navy Chaplain, helped sponsor the construction of a non-sectarian memorial chapel at a US Naval Air Station in New Jersey. 
  • Rev. W. Galloway Tyson (class of 1915) was appointed superintendent of the West District of Philadelphia Methodist Episcopal church. 
  • Howard W. Selby (class of 1913) was nominated for the office of Director of Rotary International. 
  • Dr. Earl S. Johnston (class of 1913), an associate at the Smithsonian Institute, succeeded in growing tomatoes without soil in a laboratory. 
  • Reverend Ralph L. Minker (class of 1920) officiated Delaware's first airplane wedding, with the couple saying their vows at 3,000 feet.
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