Dickinson Alumnus, December 1957
Selected Highlights from this Issue
- President William Wilcox Edel (class of 1915) announced that he would retire in March 1959. President Edel was also appointed an Exchange Preacher by the Council of Churches of Christ.
- Mathews House became a women's dormitory after renovations improved the heating system and the layout of the rooms.
- Hershel E. Shortlidge Jr. (class of 1934) became the Real Estate Officer and head of the Real Estate Division of the Trust Department of Girard Trust Corn Exchange Bank in Philadelphia.
- Frederick W. Turner (class of 1935) became assistant vice president of the Chemical Corn Exchange Bank in New York City.
- The Beta Theta Pi fraternity selected Sherwood M. Bonney (class of 1931) as their National President.
- Fred A. Lumb (class of 1929) wrote a book on Insurance Agency Management called The What's of Agency Management.
- Mary E. Hoover (class of 1907) and Charles M. Steese (class of 1907) reconnected during their 50th Reunion and were married at the Durbin Oratory in Old West in September 1957.
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