Dickinsonian, April 3, 1912

Combined Musical Clubs make annual spring break tour. YMCA Presidents' Convention to be held at Dickinson. Simon Pauxtis is selected as baseball and football coach for 1912. Description of the work of the Library Guild. Sophomores win annual Sophomore-Freshman basketball game. Union Philosophical Society holds elections.


Dickinsonian, December 13, 1911

Francis Dunn, '14, is elected captain of football team for 1912 season. President Noble gives speech to teachers' association about the purpose of education. President Noble and his wife entertain the Class of 1912 in their home. Woman Suffrage demonstration at annual Doll Show. Athletic Association elects officers.


Dickinsonian, September 20, 1911

Eugene Allen Noble assumes the presidency. Beginning of the year reception. Simon F. Pauxtis resumes his position as football coach. President Noble sets up office in Denny Hall. Freshmen and sophomores engage in flag scrap and poster scrap. List of the freshman class and its hometowns.


Dickinsonian, December 3, 1898

In the last game of the season, the football team loses against State College. Dr. Reed gave a Thanksgiving Address at Carlisle High School summarizing the history of Thanksgiving. The text of the Dickinson-Gettysburg Agreement is provided. Use of and conduct in the gymnasium is discussed.


Dickinsonian, November 26, 1898

Students are encouraged to spend more time in studying the Bible. The previous week was designated as the “Week of Prayer” by the Y. M. C. A.. It is reported that Lehigh’s poor football management skills lead them to cancel their game with Dickinson. The Phi Alpha Pi Sorority is started by a group of women on the campus. The school adds a chapel choir to sing during chapel services at the college. The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity holds its annual banquet in honor of its new members.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1898

The football team wins against Gettysburg and Lebanon Valley. This was the first game Dickinson played against Gettysburg in five years; the colleges had stopped interactions due to several grievances between them. The constitution of the Athletic Association is analyzed after the question of the election of baseball managers arises. Recipients of the Reed and Dare prizes are announced.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 1898

The Dickinson football team suffers its first defeat of the season against the Carlisle Indian School. The editors request that a student help curate the Dickinson Museum in Tome. Gettysburg representatives visit Dickinson to set up the athletic game schedule. Meeting held for state elections.

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Dickinsonian, November 5, 1898

Dickinson football wins 22 to 0 against Franklin and Marshall. The reserve team played its first game of the season and tied with Mercersburg Academy. A column lists several recommended improvements to be done on the college grounds. The Sigma Chi freaternity admits new members. Lewis Morrison will perform in "Faust".

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Dickinsonian, October 29, 1898

The football team wins 23-0 against Wyoming Seminary. In the first game of this year’s series of inter-class football games, the sophomore class wins against the freshmen. Students argue law students are disconnected from campus life. Miss Jesse A. Ackerman, a great Women's Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U) worker, addressed the college in a speech about womanhood and the role of women in the abolition of liquor.

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Dickinsonian, October 8, 1898

The football team wins 6 to 0 against Bloomsburg Normal School. Both the Belles Lettres Society and the Union Philosophical Society admit new members to their ranks. A column outlines several improvements that need to be made to the college campus. Carlisle Indians play football against Susquehanna University.

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Dickinsonian, September 24, 1898

The Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior Classes choose their class officers. The board of the Microcosm is announced. This year’s freshman class in the largest to date. Dickinson wins in the Inter-collegiate Oratorical contest at Mt. Gretna. Y. M. C. A. reception occurs.


Dickinsonian, September 17, 1898

An article reports on the outlook of the 1898 football team. Dr. William Lambert Gooding has been hired to fill a vacancy in the Philosophy department. Professor Frederick C. Woodward is hired to teach at Dickinson School of Law. The Dickinsonian extends a warm welcome to the new students.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1923

Spotlight on newly elected athletic director and head football coach B. Russell Murphy. Varsity basketball team has "most successful year in history of the College", with ten wins and four losses. Two new committees created to handle all-College issues. College institutes major and minor requirements for all graduating students. Combined glee clubs to present operetta, "The Girl and The Middy" during Commencement week.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1923

Varsity Basketball Team closes season with victory over Bucknell. Plans made to organize women's baseball team. Athletic Association chooses new head football coach for 1923 season. Discrepancy in new Honor System Constitution to be investigated by both senates. Miss Ida M. Tarbell to speak in Bosler Hall. Text of proposed amendments to Constitution published.


Dickinsonian, December 16, 1922

College committees planning many events for the Christmas season. Basketball team starts successfully with a string of wins, including one over the City College of New York, the previous year's champions. College receives several historical documents pertaining to 1843 graduate Robert Alexander Lamberton as well as a number of college catalogs dating back to the same era. Upcoming football season to feature four new opponents.


Dickinsonian, December 9, 1922

Metropolitan Opera Company singer Nina Morgana hold recital. $1500 worth of instruments purchased by College for student band. All-College Social Committee plans upcoming events. Football team ends season with 6 wins, 3 losses. Dramatic Club announces cast for two upcoming shows. Belle Lettres to file complaint with faculty regarding the continuing vandalism of the society hall.

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