Dickinsonian, November 14, 1925

The cabinets of the YMCA and YWCA join forces to continue to educate students about US involvement in the World Court. The question of the United States entering the World Court will be put to Congress in December and it is the goal of the YMCA for students voices to be heard by taking a poll  to present to Congress. The football team is defeated 0 to 6 by their Gettysburg rivals. Dickinson will receive $150,000 in the will of trustee Melville Gambrill.

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Dickinsonian, November 7, 1925

The second annual Parents and Alumni Day is a great success. The Theta Chi fraternity has purchased 270 West High Street to be used as a fraternity home. The French Club plans to preform Moliere's "La Grammaire." Dr. Richard Burton delivered a lecture in chapel on the subject of "Modern Tendency in Drama." The football team takes Albright College in a 13 to 6 victory and prepares to meet their arch-rivals Gettysburg. Dickinsonians attend an east central Pennsylvania conference on the World Court. The College celebrates Halloween with a Dance.

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Dickinsonian, October 31, 1925

Dickinson ties Muhlenberg College 0-0 in a rainy football match.  Marthues Dougherty wins the award for best cheer handed into the cheer contest committee. Professor Richard Burton will deliver a lecture as part of a series of Chapel entertainments. The college prepares to celebrate Parents' and Alumni Day. The Interfraternity Council plans to revise rushing rules. Women's Basketball practice will begin. Pledge day for women's fraternities will be held in the coming week.

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Dickinsonian, October 24, 1925

Dickinson takes a 7 - 0 victory over Franklin and Marshall and Robert Books is elected team captain. Paul Vernon and His cleveland Symphonic Quintet will give a concert in the Chapel. Presidents of the Men's and Women's Senates and Editor of the Dickinsonian will attend a District Council through the Council of Christian Associations to debate the entrance of the United States into the World Court. Zeta Tau Alpha sorority receives the Scholarship Cup given by Pi Beta Phi for scholastic achievement. The YWCA holds a service of recognition for all the new women of the college.


Dickinsonian, October 17, 1925

Though casts as the underdog, the football team slays Villa Nova in a 13-2 victory.  The College plans a Halloween Party. First year / Fraternity plans are voted down again, with the next proposition being to hold a series of smokers. Professor Herbert Wing, Jr. Debating Coach at Dickinson, is elected president of the Pennsylvania State Debating Association. The American Irish Historical Society will hold an essay contest on "The Irish Chapter in American History." Dickinson's football team is praised by a Philadelphia Paper.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1925

The football team opens their season with a game against Lebanon Valley ending in a 6-6 tie. Dickinson has been chosen to hold the twenty-first annual Student Volunteer conference of the colleges and seminaries of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  Revisions are made to the plan for first year / fraternity interacting to require that each fraternity send 1-3 representatives to every other fraternity on their night for entertainment. Both the Christian Fellowship Group and the French Club receive their largest attendance ever this year.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1925

Despite cold weather, the Annual College Picnic is a great success. The Belles Lettres Society received a letter from well-known minister and author Henry Van Dyke. The Interfraternity Scholarship Cup is presented to Phi Kappa Sigma. A meeting of the Interfraternity Council rejects the proposed arrangements for first year / fraternity interactions. A more moderate proposal calls for a series of gatherings in the college gymnasium where freshman will be the guests of fraternities. A novice tennis tournament is held to discover talent for next season's team.


Dickinsonian, September 26, 1925

This week's issue of the Dickinsonian announces the elections of F. B. Giebel as president of the freshman class and Christopher P. Crook to the sophomore class. Football practice begins early in an effort to continue the path of last season's success. A committee of the Interfraternity Council presents their ideas for freshman involvement. In previous years, rushing agreements prohibited fraternity members to communicate with first year men; leading to a feeling of isolation from the rest of the campus.

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Dickinsonian, December 13, 1901

The Freshmen win the annual Freshmen-Sophomore football game. Glee and Mandolin club trip to Mechanicsburg. Union Philosophical Society anniversary. Belles Lettres Society election results. Belles Lettres Society anniversary.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1901

The Carlisle Indians defeat Dickinson in football. Sigma Alpha Epsilon banquet. Beta Theta Pi reception. Phi Kappa Sigma euchre party. Glee Club holds tryouts in Bosler Hall. Phi Kappa Sigma reception. Obituary for Dr. Samuel J. Jones.


Dickinsonian, May 2, 1946

Representative John Kunkel gives address at Saturday chapel. Dickinson debates Gettysburg on the Air. Professor F. Eugene Reader resigns from Dickinson School of Law. Arthur D. Kalher resigns as director of athletics and head football coach at Dickinson. Chi Omega purchases house for national headquarters. Men's baseball beats Elizabethtown 4-2 in first game of season.


Dickinsonian, December 13, 1945

Annual Doll Show held. Large number of Dickinson students effected by cold epidemic. Mr. William B. Greenlee presents gift of $500 to the College Library. New rules for men's rushing approved by College. Discussion of "Corruption in Russia" held at Allison Methodist Church. The College Choir presents a Christmas program. Students protest grievances. Miss Mary Elinor Betts is the new assistant to the Dean of Women. Lack of diversity in surnames is discussed. Ruth Sellers Maxwell Scholarship in English Literature is established. Coach Arthur D. Kahler returns as head football coach.

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Dickinsonian, October 14, 1942

The Freshman Annex (formerly the Parker House) on S Hanover St opens to house twelve female students. Colonel Henry E. Smith, John C. Hepler, Dr. Bernice K. Grubb, Charles H. B. Kennedy, and Jane L. Evans join faculty. Dr. Elmer C. Herber publishes two papers on parasitology. Professor Horace E. Rogers leads Community Chest drive; changes to the way the drive is performed. Robert S. Whitman, Jr., '38, dies at Battle of Midway; Calvert S. Foote, '44, is MIA. Football team is largest in Dickinson history. The Navy V-1 Plan is established at Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, December 7, 1933

Dickinson Players to put on "Icebound" by Owen Davis. Doll Show is planned. Robert "Josh" Bartley becomes football captain for 1934 season. Muhlenberg defeats Dickinson football in last game of season; overview of season. Gettysburg defeats men's soccer in final game of season. German club takes trip to Baltimore German-speaking church. Student Senate creates budget with large cuts to student organizations and a restructuring of the Microcosm's financing. Dickinson Club of West Branch Valley (alumni club near Williamsport) is founded.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1924

Students form the Republican Club, which throws its support behind Professor Leon C. Prince in his congressional campaign. Professor Prince addresses Dickinson students and members of the Carlisle community as a part of his campaign for the Republican nomination for congress. Non-Fraternity men organize a permanent social organization known as the Commons Club, whose objectives include promoting unity and cooperation with other members of the college community, loyalty to the college, and equal opportunity for all male students. The senior class elects Class Day officers.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1924

A sophomore student Harry Frycklund dies from pneumonia at the age of 20. An audit by the bursar of the Athletic Association shows that the football program is operating at a deficit. Tentative plans for commencement, including several class reunions, are announced. Professor Ernest Albert Vuilleumier presents a paper that he translated from German on the electrodeposition of metals to the American Electrochemical Society on Philadelphia. Belles Lettres elects new officers.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1923

The basketball season opens against Brooklyn Polytechnic. Statistics for the recently closed football season appear. A concert by basso Charles Trowbridge Titmann is announced for the following week. A banquet for the football team is held by the Athletic Association. The women's fraternities pledge 26 new members. An article appears written by an alumnus living in China on the nation's move towards modernization. The debate team holds its second round of try outs. An article about local support of Dickinson football appears. Professor W. W.


Dickinsonian, December 1, 1923

The football team closes its season with a 14-10 victory over Bucknell during the Thanksgiving day game. The freshman-sophomore football game is announced. The opening of fraternity rush is announced. Dr. Richard Burton gives a lecture entitled "Mark Twain as a Neighbor" in which he discusses his personal acquaintanceship with the author. And editorial praising cooperation between Dickinsonians and the people of Carlisle appears. The debate team elects a president and secretary and chooses 12 semifinalists for membership.

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Dickinsonian, November 10, 1923

It is announced that the college band will accompany the football team to their game against Delaware. Plans are laid out for a college-wide observance of Armistice Day. Preparations are made for the upcoming debate season, to include debates with four other institutions. A feature on boat travel in China appears. Dickinson becomes a member of the American Association of University Women. The Carlisle Civic Club and YWCA announce plans for a flag sale fundraiser to provide aid to Armenia.

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Dickinsonian, October 27, 1923

The football team has its first victory of the season, defeating Villanova 20 to 0. A huge Halloween dance is to be held at which students must be fully masked and games will be had. A new exhibit of scientific instruments opens at the college museum. The price of the Microcosm Yearbook will increase 50 cents after November 1. A short piece on secondary school graduation rates appears.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1923

Joe Lightner, a former Penn State football star, is elected the new coach of Dickinson's football team after the resignation of Coach Murphy. Student Senate elects a new president. Preparations for the debate season begin with new teams being planned, as the previous year's team has retained only two members. The Greek Club inducts 43 new members.


Dickinsonian, September 29, 1923

Plans for the all-college picnic in Boiling Springs are announced. The Interfraternity Council determines the rushing periods for the 1923 fall semester and institutes the payment of yearly dues by each member fraternity. Dickinson opens their football preseason with "the strongest team in the country to date on paper." Plans to establish a college sports news service are laid. A piece on the Christianization and Americanization of Hawiian islanders appears.
