Football defeats Gettysburg 11-0. YMCA holds Week of Prayer.
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Swarthmore defeats Dickinson football 18-0. Wilmington Conference Academy alumni club is formed.
Francis Dunn, '14, is elected captain of football team for 1912 season. President Noble gives speech to teachers' association about the purpose of education. President Noble and his wife entertain the Class of 1912 in their home. Woman Suffrage demonstration at annual Doll Show. Athletic...
Combined Musical Clubs make annual spring break tour. YMCA Presidents' Convention to be held at Dickinson. Simon Pauxtis is selected as baseball and football coach for 1912. Description of the work of the Library Guild. Sophomores win annual Sophomore-Freshman basketball game. Union...
Dickinson begins its 130th year, and President Nobles gives an address of welcome. Dickinson loses the first football game of the season. Each member of the freshman class is listed.
The Dickinson football team beats Lebanon Valley, 53-3. The Alpha Rho Chi fraternity takes their annual ride to Doubling Gap.
The football team beats Catholic University 54-0. The debating teams held their preliminary trials. The senior class officers are elected. Female students attend a Suffrage meeting in town.
The results of the football games are announced. Each member of the football team is featured as the season comes to a close.
The Student Senate passes new legislation abolishing hazing and recommending faculty supervision of college publications and the combined Musical Clubs. The junior class elects its class officers. The baseball team loses to Gettysburg. S.W. Harrington of the University of Pennsylvania is chosen...
The Dickinson Football team lost the first game of the season to Washington and Jefferson in Washington, PA. Dr. Super addresses the freshman class about the importance of ideas passed down through literature. The 1917 class elects their officers.
The Dickinson football team defeats Gettysburg 39-13. Robert W. Lyman becomes a new member of the Law School. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity holds its annual fall dance. The Schuylkill County Club is formed.
Dickinson wins its last home football game against Lebanon Valley. The Beta Theta Pi fraternity held a gathering in their chapter house in honor of Professor and Mrs. George F. Cole. The sophomore class elects a new president. The Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity holds their first “at home” of the...
Dickinson wins in a football game against Swarthmore. Local Dickinson alumni organize a new athletics association to offer more support to the athletics on campus. A tribute to Abraham Lincoln is given fifty years after the Gettysburg Address. Senate proceedings reported new rules, one of which...
Dickinson loses last game of the season to Lafayette. The football season is summed up and each player is featured.
Football game with Gettysburg is canceled over squabbles concerning player eligibility. Samuel Higgenbottom, Presbyterian missionary to India, speaks on agricultural improvement in India. Senior class election results. Students engage in impromptu late-night school spirit march.
Mass meeting is held to discuss future of football at Dickinson. Dickinson chapter of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association gains membership. Dickinsonians respond favorably to YMCA drive for missions in China.
Each member of the football team is described. J. Frank Puderbaugh, '16, is elected football captain. A scrap ensues when freshmen attempt to take a class picture. Elias B. Baker resigns as Student Senate president.
Football season opens. Largest freshman class yet enters College. Interfraternity Conference discusses rushing rules.
Mass meeting called to rally the College's spirit behind the football team. Alumni account of zeppelin raid over London is published.
Football team defeated by F&M. Freshmen win track meet against Sophomores. Inter-Fraternity Council charges Beta Theta Pi with violations of the Inter-Fraternity agreement.
Football team defeated for the first time by Delaware. Faculty announces changes in class regulations.
Mass meeting held to prepare for football game against the Indian School. College Prohibition League organizes.