Dickinsonian Newspaper

Mohler Scientific Club

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson football won against Susquehanna last weekend and will face Gettysburg this coming weekend. Petition presented with 450 signatures at the beginning of Chapel about giving athletic scholarships to students--this was the result of built up tensions. Improvements to be made to Conway Hall...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The theme for the Mid-Winter Ball will be George Washington's birthday. Eight new members initiated into Phi Delta Theta. Five professors were among the 107 people that registered for the Armed Forces at Dickinson's third registration day. Kappa Sigma initiates five new members as Phi Mu...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Lambda Sigma Pi elects eight new members. Union Philosophical Society to discuss "war aims" in their next meeting. A Student Opinion Surveys of America poll reveals that three of every five women are volunteering with civilian defense activities, but less than three of ten men, not already in...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Colonel Mathews brought in to teach the 'Pre-Induction Training Courses." Two Dickinson graduates begin aviation training. Dr. Landis, professor of Mathematics, dies. College staff member, George Shuman Jr, asks alumni for old issues of the Freshmen Handbook. A national survey discovers that...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dean Vuilleumier heads Carlisle's Gas Defense Squad, a part of the Office for Civilian Defense. Two Dickinson graduates will face each other in the Congressional race in Wilke-Barre and the winner of this election will succeed another Dickinsonian. Six Dickinson students enlist in the US Naval...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Junior class, Class of 1943, elects president. Student Senate decides that Rushing will not occur during the summer session. the 169th Commencement. Approximately 120 students are enrolled for the summer session. the 1942 Microcosm comes out on time. Six high school seniors are awarded Trustee...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Pi Delta Epsilon elects officers. Frederic W. Ness is appointed dean of Dickinson College. H. Chace Davis, '50, is appointed assistant director of admissions. Guest Day planned (sponsored by Omicron Delta Kappa and organized by Dean James). Profile of Professor Francis Warlow. Mohler Scientific...


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