Faculty adopts three resolutions of the Academic Program Committee: the establishment of separate laboratory and lecture courses for Physical Chemistry, the addition of English 210 to the fall curriculum, and the introduction of a Special Interdepartmental Field of Concentration major. World renowned anthropologist Dr. Margaret Mead will receive the 20th annual Priestley Award. Senate discusses the bomb threat made to the Union. The summer Classics Program is a great success and will continue. Carlisle's Community Action Program, CAP, may be discontinued due to lack of funds. The Scientist's Information Group, SIG, will be studying the environmental effects of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, currently under construction. Proposals on the Student Senate that were presented to the Faculty are related in detail. The last Freshman Basketball game proves to be their worse loss of the season. Dickinson sweeps titles in the Second annual Dickinson Invitational Giant Slalom.