Number of Pages
August 10, 1856

Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney writes to his grandson, [Roger Brooke] Taney Campbell, with family news and provides some advice on horsemanship. Taney provides his grandson with an explanation on why one should learn to ride in the country before riding in a city like Baltimore. In addition, Taney writes of "little Roger" wanting to tell Taney Campbell's sister Amy that he will give her a deer. Yet little Roger "will hardly be able to fulfill his promise" because, as Taney explains, "a live deer would not be a pleasant travelling companion in the cars when we return to Washington." Taney also mentions other family members, including his daughters Ann, Ellen, Sophia, and Maria and his son-in-law J. Mason Campbell.

Time Period
Gift of Boyd Lee Spahr
Letter from Roger B. Taney to Taney Campbell