Born in St. Louis, Missouri, on December 1, 1938, Neal Lovsnes was a bachelor of science graduate of the class of 1960. While at Dickinson he was a four-year member of both the basketball and baseball teams, captaining the latter in his last two seasons. He was also active in the Belles Lettres Literary Society, the D-Club, and the Phi Delta Theta fraternity for four years. A R.O.T.C. cadet, he graduated as a force commander and a cadet lieutenant colonel.

He became a member of the regular army specializing in field artillery. He had married Sue Wiegand of St. Louis. In October, 1968, he began a tour of duty in South Vietnam. On April 15, 1969, while traveling to take up a command with the 101st Airborne Division, his helicopter was brought down by hostile fire in Thua Thien province. Major Neal Lovsnes was thirty years old.

College Relationship
Alumnus/Alumna Class Year
Author of Post
Dickinson College Archives
Date of Post
Neal Wallace Lovsnes, Jr. (1938-1969)