Thomas Care was born at St. Mary's in Chester County, Pennsylvania on July 10, 1832. He was prepared at the Williamsport Seminary and entered Dickinson College in Carlisle with the class of 1858. He was elected to the Union Philosophical Society, was an active debater, and served as treasurer of the society for a time. He graduated with his class in the early summer of 1858 and determined on a career in the Methodist Episcopal Church.

From 1859 to 1863, Care was a pastor and circuit rider with the East Baltimore Conference, riding for a time in 1859 in Huntingdon County. He then took a post in 1863 as instructor of natural science at his old school, the Williamsport Seminary, which he held for a year. In late 1863, he was again a missionary and circuit preacher, this time in Elk County, Pennsylvania.

No information is available at this time on his family situation. Thomas Care died in Harrisburg on March 18, 1864. He was thirty-two years old.

College Relationship
Alumnus/Alumna Class Year
Author of Post
Dickinson College Archives
Date of Post
Thomas Care, 1858