Thu., Apr. 20, 1882
A choral concert was given on the evening of April 20 in the Sentinel Opera House. Twelve pieces were performed with one intermission. The first half of the program included such pieces as Ciro Pinsuti's "A Spring Song", Luigi Bordese's "The Last Hours of Joan of Arc", Geibel's "The Watcher", Chopin's "Polonaise", and A. Geibel's "Winter". For the second half of the program, the musicians performed C. A. White's "Sunset", Weiss' "The Caliph of Bagdad", Donizette's "Regnava nel Silenzio", Tito Mattei's "Lo--Scapato", De Beriot's "La Sonnambula", Verdi's "The Tempest of the Heart", and "O Restless Sea".
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