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1900 Commencement Concert
Mon., Jun. 4, 1900
The Music Association, consisting of the College Orchestra and Men's Glee Club, performed their 1899-1900 program during commencement weekend. The Orchestra opened the show with Holzmann's "A Bunch of Blackberries". They played several other songs throughout the show including Herbert's "Mazourka", Fulton's "Kinky Kinks", and Herbert's "Singing Girl". The Glee Club sang Lindey's "When the Starlight Glids the Stream", Trotere's "Tareador Hola", Stone's "Across the Seas", Trecannion's "Life of Youth" and "On the Road to Mandalay", and Damrosch's "Danny Deever".
Event Type:
Glee Club and Orchestra 1899-1900 Program