Sun., Aug. 18, 1968

On Sunday August 18, 1968, Five Dickinsonians, alongside members of the Carlisle Barracks and Salvation Army, prepared food and lodging for forty hungry, weary travelers.

Scott Geare, a Junior Dickinsonian, "walked into the path of two weary men" who asked him the location of the nearest pay phone. Geare offered the men the use of his phone and learned the two men were representatives of a group of transient laborers from Alabama. Each year, this group would pool its finances to travel from North to South in search of work. The group had been travelling to a canning factory in N.Y. when the group's bus experienced an engine failure. The bus driver and a helper then began searching for a phone to call the Rochester factory and request aid, leading them into the hands of the College, Carlisle Barracks and the Salvation Army.

With the help of Sandra Shulman and College comptroller, Willard Bloodgood, food services prepared sandwiches, milk, and coffee for the travelers. The Salvation army delivered these packed lunches to the Carlisle Barracks, which had arranged lodgings for them.

The Rochester factory sent a bus for the workers who left early Monday morning.

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