Haiti Benefit Concert Takes Place at Carlisle Theatre

Date of Event
Sat., Feb. 27, 2010

A concert to benefit survivors of the January 2010 Haitian earthquake raised $17,124.42. Performers included the D-Tones, Infernos, Octals, Syrens, Dance Theater Group, Synergy, Hypnotic, Third Degree, Run With It, and local groups REACH! and the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet.

May Day and Founder's Day

Date of Event
Wed., May 2, 1934

Students and faculty members celebrated the annual College May Day and Founder's day with a variety of programs, including "May Day breakfast, chapel service, decoration of the graves of the presidents of the college, Inter-fraternity track meet, and an open house at Metzger Hall". During the chapel service, Rev. Dr. John Wesley Hill, chancellor emeritus at Lincoln University, discussed Abraham Lincoln's character and claimed Lincoln believed in individualism and was a spiritual man.  

Event Type

Dean Discusses Red Problem at Student Christian Association

Date of Event
Sun., Oct. 01, 1950

Dean Amos B. Horalacher spoke to Student Christian Association (SCA) about ‘Christian Alternatives to Communism’. Dean Horalacher commented on that assumption that Communism was an ideology that claims complete allegiance and loyalty of mean he stated that the conflict was based on religious problems rather than a secular one. He stated that Communism became secular religion. In a separate meeting the week before, Dr. Ivan Gould from the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Association spoke about the unity of Christian around the world and plans for unions in church organizations.

200 Firefighters fight fire in downtown Carlisle

Date of Event
Sun., Dec. 12, 1962

One of the more destructive fires in Carlisle's history took place late in the evening on December 12, 1962. 200 firemen eventually responded to put out the blaze, which was three blocks from the Benjamin Rush Campus, and occurred on a night in which the temperature dropped to 15 degrees. Many Dickinson students aided the firefighters and citizens by saving valuables from endangered buildings and deicing fire hoses.

Event Type

Student Senate Sponsors College Day for High School students

Date of Event
Wed., Apr. 8, 1959

The Student Senate sponsored a "College Day" for Carlisle high school students. The purpose of "College Day" was to give these students an idea of what college life was like on a small campus. Five students from each of the nine high schools participated and were assigned a guide based on their interests.

Student Senate sponsors a World Clothing Week

Date of Event
Mon., Apr. 10, 1961

Student Senate sponsored a World Clothing Week to collect clothing, shoes, and bedding as part of an effort to help children and adults in need throughout the United States and overseas. This collection drive, which ran from April 10 to May 6 at Dickinson, was part of a nationwide campaign organized by the World Clothing Fund, Inc.

Event Type

Local Police, CID and FBI investigate bomb damage to fraternity house

Date of Event
Fri., Apr. 5, 1968

Kappa Sigma fraternity was the scene of a bombing incident Friday morning, April 5, which damaged all three levels of the building, wrecking glass panels and rending apart the main door, causing an estimated $1500 damage. According to police investigation, the device which caused the explosion was a United States Military anti-missile simulator, equivalent to a half-stick of dynamite.

Event Type

Springfest Starts

Date of Event
Fri., Apr. 21, 1989

Springfest was also held on the same weekend as Siblings Weekend. The events started on Friday with a concert in ATS. The band "Peace of Mind" performed their reggae music for the college community. On Saturday, the students were able to eat breakfast and watch cartoons in the Snar.  Later that day, the traditional picnic was held on Morgan Field where students and siblings could participate in certain events together. That evening a "beach party" was hosted in the newly opened Lumberyard which concluded the array of events for the whole weekend. 

Earth Week starts

Date of Event
Thu., Apr. 13, 1989

Earth Week, which began on April 13th, started with the showing of the film "Chernobyl Revisited." From that evening on, the events included Kirk Kelly performing in the Women's Center, picking up trash around Carlisle with Alpha Phi Omega, learning how to recycle properly, and discussing the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear power facility debacle. The week ended on April 20th from 7-9 pm in Memorial Hall hopefully leaving the campus more informed as to how to help the earth. 

Event Type

Congress of Afro-American Students hosts Multicultural and Black Arts Festival

Date of Event
Wed., Mar. 1, 1989

A Multicultural and Black Arts Festival began on March 1st and was hosted by the Congress of Afro-American Students, the Korean Student Association, the East Asia Club, the Society of Hispanic Students, and CAB.  The festival ran for five days: it began with an East Asian dinner in the dining hall and continued with an exhibit of African Art in the Trout Gallery, different musical performances of music from around the world, and the production of "For Colored Girls" in ATS. This festival was held since 1969. 

Event Type

"Mardi Gras: A European Celebration" is Hosted

Date of Event
Sat., Feb. 4, 1989

"Mardi Gras: A European Celebration" was held on February 4th starting at 9 p.m. The event was sponsored by the modern language clubs, the International Club, and the Multicultural House. The event was held in the Social Hall and offered food from different stations where students could learn about how Mardi Gras is celebrated in different countries. 

Event Type

Carlisle Arts Festival Opens

Date of Event
Tue., Oct. 18, 1988

The Carlisle Arts Festival was hosted on October 18th. Susan Cavenaugh, the coordinator of the Carlisle Economic Development Center, organized and ran the festival. There were more than 100 craft and food stalls. The event brought together the Dickinson community and the Carlisle community for a day of entertainment and fun. 

Event Type

Springfest is held on Morgan Field

Date of Event
Sat., Apr. 23, 1988

Springfest was held on April 23rd out on Morgan Field. The event, which had a carnival theme to it, hosted many food vendors from the community and also had fun activities for students to participate in: Simon Says was played, BACCHUS hosted a "non-alcoholic" chug-off, and Circle K hosted their "Sexiest Man on Campus" contest. Many organizations from campus also had booths and were selling items such as baked goods or t-shirts to support their funds. The day continued into the night, where the Springfest co-chairs planned a dance within the Social Hall. 

Event Type

"Take Back the Night" Marches

Date of Event
Sun., Apr. 10, 1988

On April 10th,  the Women's Center sponsored a "Take Back the Night" march for campus. Roughly 60 to 70 men and women attended the march. The purpose of the march was to raise awareness within the community about sexual violence and to educate students about the resources that were available. Once the march made it to the Quads, they met some resistance from some on-lookers: one man in particular made sexual gestures at the group and another threw a firecracker at the banner being carried.