Sun., Apr. 25, 2004
The Music Department presented "Madrigal!", a performance by the Dickinson Collegium, at 4:00pm in Memorial Hall. The ensemble performed Thomas Morley's "Fyer, fyer!", Philippe Verdelot's "Madonna'l tuo bel viso," D.M. Ferrabosco's "Io mi son giovinetta," Orlando di Lasso's "Sotto quel sta," Thomas Weelkes' "Strike it up, tabor" and "Four arms, two necks, one wreathing," Thomas Tomkins' "See, see the shepherd's queen," Luca Marenzio's "Già torna a rallegrar l'aria," Claudio Monteverdi's "Se per havervi, oimè," Morten Lauridsen's "Se per havervi, oimè" and "Luci serene e chiare," John Wilbye's "As fair as morn" and "Weep, weep, mine eyes," and Ralph Vaughan Williams' "Love is a sickness."
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