Noonday Concert

Wed., Apr. 4, 1973

The Music Department presented the sixth Noonday Concert of the 1972-1973 academic year in Memorial Hall. Students and faculty performed John Jenkins' "Ayre", "Corant", and "Sarabande", Philippe de Monte's "Canzona", Thomas Morley's "It was a Lover and his Lass", Johann Joachim Quantz, Johann Sebastian Bach's "Erbarme Dich", Philippe Gaubert's "Divertissement grec", Girolamo Frescibaldi's "Cazona prima a due canti col basso continuo", Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Sonata in E-flat", Ernest Bloch's "Meditation", and Healey Willan's "Rise up, my love".


April 4 Noonday Concert Program