Noonday Concert

Wed., Dec. 5, 1973

The Department of Music presented the third Noonday Concert of the 1973-1974 academic year in Memorial Hall. The program included Johannes Brahms' "Trip in E-flat Major", Brahms' "Vergebliches Standchen", Michael Head's "The Singer", C.W. von Gluck's "Che faro senza Euridice", Jean Baptise Loeillet's "Quintet in B minor", an old French tune entitled "Viens Aurore", Eric Thiman's "I love all graceful things", Borlet's "Ma tredol rosignol", Chalres Gounod's "Ah! Je veux vivre", William Byrd's "Ave verum corpus", and Victoria's "O quam gloriosum". 


December 5 Noonday Concert Program