Computer science class, c.1980
A computer science professor teaches a class around 1980.
A computer science professor teaches a class around 1980.
Two students operate a computer for their computer science class around 1980.
Computer Science professor Robert Paul, in center back, helps two students at a computer on December 11, 1980.
Nancy Baxter, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, gives a student one-on-one assistance in 1982.
A student works in a computer science class while her professor helps a student two rows ahead on October 25, 1988.
Students participate in a computer science lab exercise on November 5, 1991.
Foreground: Andrea Chen, '94
Professor of mathematics and computer science Nancy Baxter Hastings assists students during a lab exercise on September 8, 1992.
Professor of Mathematics and Computer Sciences Nancy Baxter helps students in a workshop math class on September 8, 1992.