Biology Lab, c.1880
Biology students perform a dissection around 1880.
Biology students perform a dissection around 1880.
Female students lift weights in the first physical training class for women at Dickinson in 1888.
Female students swing bowling pins in Dickinson's first women's physical education class.
Front row: Alice Kronenberg '89, Lenora Whiting '91, Wilhelmina Scarborough, Elizabeth Low '91
Middle row: Mary Himes '89 (non-grad), Jessica Longsdorf '91, Mary Curran '88
Back row: Hildegarde Longsdorf '88, Alverda Yocum, Sara G. Yocum '91 (non-grad), Mary Evans '89
Female students participate in a physical education class involving manipulating poles.
Female students train using weights in Dickinson's first women's physical education class in 1888.
Students by number: Mary Curran (#1), Mary Evans (#2), Sarah Yocum (#3), Elizabeth Low (#4), Wilhelmina Scarborough (#5), Alverda Yocum (#6), Hildegarde Longsdorf (#7), Jessica Longsdorf (#8), Lenora Whiting (#9), Mary Himes (#10), Alice Kronenberg (#11).
Four female students perform a science experiment in Tome in 1889. The woman second from the left is Mary Himes ('89).
A science class meets in the Tome Scientific Building around 1890.
The class of 1893 sits in class in the chemical lecture room of Tome on May 20, 1892. While most students are men, several women sit in the back row.
Several Biology students perform dissections around 1895.
Biology students perform dissections while smoking pipes around 1895.
Chemistry professor William Lindsay, on left, working in a laboratory with Leroy McMaster, member of the class of 1901 and Chemistry and Physics professor from 1901-1904.
A women's physical education class using horses from Carlisle Barracks in 1931.
Standing in middle: Hazelle Allen '34, Wilhelmina LaBar '34
Biology students perform a lab exercise around 1940.
The women's archery team takes aim circa 1940.
View of students in a chemistry lab in Tome around 1945.
View of a class on the 2nd floor of Denny Hall facing W. High Street.
Professor Arthur Bishop's Latin class, circa 1945.
Professor Frank Ayres, Jr. teaching mathematics, circa 1945.
Dr. Horace E. Rogers '24 (far left) supervises three students performing a chemistry lab in Tome.
Second from left: Bayard W. Allmond, Jr., '56. Second from right: Barbara S. Allen, '56.
Students during a class in Baird Biology Building around 1950.
Dr. Horace E. Rogers (second from right) helps a student use a machine in a chemistry lab for determining pH around 1950. Rogers is a member of the Class of 1924.
Far left: Bayard W. Allmond, Jr. (Class of 1956)
Second from left: Barbara S. Allen (Class of 1956)
Students participate in a physics lab session in Tome around 1950.
Professor J. Wesley Robb teaches a religion class circa 1950.
Professor Whitfield Bell's American Cultural History class in spring 1952. Professor Bell is a member of the Class of 1935.
Professor Milton Eddy lectures to his biology class around 1955.