Biology Lab, c.1880
Biology students perform a dissection around 1880.
Biology students perform a dissection around 1880.
Several Biology students perform dissections around 1895.
Biology students perform dissections while smoking pipes around 1895.
The Biology classroom in the basement of Denny Hall around 1920.
Biology students perform a lab exercise around 1940.
Work area in the Baird Biology Building around 1950.
Students during a class in Baird Biology Building around 1950.
An authority on the identification of persons by hair specimens, Biology professor Milton Eddy speaks in front of his diagram of a strand of hair, circa 1950.
Professor Milton Eddy lectures to his biology class around 1955.
Professor Milton Eddy's (standing, center back) biology class performs a microscopy lab around 1955.
Two biology students observe a specimen in a glass jar around 1955.
Two students perform a microscopy lab circa 1955.
Students Dorsey Green (holding net) and Karen Pflug-felder catch wildlife in the LeTort Creek near Post Pond in summer 1971.
A student performs an experiment on a mouse in a biology lab around 1975.
Biology professor Francis Shay taking care of plants in a greenhouse.
Biology professor Diane Calabrese fishes something out of a tank in her laboratory.
Biology professor Paul Biebel explains a concept to students while Philip Conrad '85, standing behind, looks on.
Biology students perform an experiment on each other's nerve impulses in 1982.
Biology professor Richard Lane working on the blackboard with a student in 1982.
Students perform a microscopy lab during a biology class in fall 1984.
Front left: Joe Bergman '88.
Students use a syringe during a rat dissection for a biology lab in fall 1984.
A professor stands next to several students who are using microscopes during a biology lab in 1985.