Protest - Edwin Meese

Protest against Edwin Meese, 1985

Protest against Attorney General Edwin Meese, who spoke in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on September 17, 1985. The protest in the foreground dramatizes deaths in Latin America; in the background protesters hold up various signs.

Protest against Edwin Meese, 1985

Protest against Attorney General Edwin Meese III, who spoke in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on September 17, 1985. Signs include "Meese against civil rights," "Corporations grease the palm of Meese!" and "Meese says: Taxpayers should pay $700,000: for my legal fees; $0: for the ..."

Protest against Edwin Meese, 1985

A woman protests against Attorney General Edwin Meese III, who spoke in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on September 17, 1985.  Her signs read "Meese-oygnist" and "Meese violates Geneva Convention and UN protocol: Stop deporting refugees now!"

Protest against Edwin Meese, 1985

Protest against Attorney General Edwin Meese III, who spoke in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on September 17, 1985.  Signs include "What Justice needs is an attorney, not a general!  Ask the ABA!" and "Yes to Roe vs. Wade! No to Meese!"

Protest for and against Edwin Meese, 1985

Protest for and against Attorney General Edwin Meese III, who spoke in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on September 17, 1985.

Signs include "We find you in contempt of the world court,, "Reagan's Choice is our choice -- College Republicans," "Ed: About that terrorist country club....

Protest for Edwin Meese, 1985

Protest in support of Attorney General Edwin Meese III, who spoke in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on September 17, 1985. Signs include "Dickinson welcomes Ed Meese" and "Welcome Attorney General Edwin Meese."

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