Mermaid Players, "The Taming of the Shrew," 1954
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of The Taming of the Shrew in May 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of The Taming of the Shrew in May 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of The Taming of the Shrew in May 1954.
Three students, Murray Eckell ('56), Alice Winett, and Jeanne Carlson, perform in the Mermaid Players' production of John Patrick's Lo and Behold in October 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of John Patrick's Lo and Behold in October 1954.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of John Patrick's Lo and Behold in October 1954.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Our Town in December 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Our Town in December 1954.
Malcolm Rosenberg ('57), William Hoyst ('57), and Christopher Miniclier ('57) perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Our Town in December 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Our Town in December 1954.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Patrick Hamilton's Angel Street in January 1955.
Three actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Patrick Hamilton's Angel Street in January 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of the morality play "Everyman." The play is performed in association with Religion-in-Life Week on March 31 and April 1, 1955.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of the morality play "Everyman." The play is performed in association with Religion-in-Life Week on March 31 and April 1, 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of the morality play "Everyman." The play is performed in association with Religion-in-Life Week on March 31 and April 1, 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Elmer Rice's Two on an Island in March 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Elmer Rice's Two on an Island in March 1955.
Pictured: Patricia "Pat" Simmons ('57), Richard "Dick" Van Deusen ('58), Anne E. Thompson ('56), and Gordon Brown Mowrer ('59)
Patricia "Pat" Simmons ('57) and Hillel Schwartz ('56) perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Elmer Rice's Two on an Island in March 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Volpone, written by Ben Jonson, in May 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Volpone, written by Ben Jonson, in May 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Volpone, written by Ben Jonson, in May 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Volpone, written by Ben Jonson, in May 1955.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of the Gilbert & Sullivan operetta The Mikado in October 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of the Gilbert & Sullivan operetta The Mikado in October 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Gilbert & Sullivan's operetta The Mikado in October 1955.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Harry Segall's comedy-fantasy Heaven Can Wait in December 1955.