Founders Day Convocation, 1952
A group picture taken in Memorial Hall on the occasion of the Founders Day Convocation, May 1, 1952. This special Founders Day, in honor of Dickinson women, was held to celebrate the dedication of Drayer Hall, the first residence hall built by the college for the express purpose of housing women students.
Front Row, left to right: Edith Alice Ford, Marianne Craig Moore, William Wilcox Edel, and Millicent Todd Bingham.
Back Row, left to right: Vashti Burr Whittington, Cora L. Handwork (class of 1914), Ethel Wagg Selby (class of 1915), Josephine Brunyate Meredith (class of 1901), and Mary Love Collins (class of 1902)
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