Herschel Ford, c.1910
Herschel Ford is a member of the Class of 1896.
Herschel Ford is a member of the Class of 1896.
William Henry Ford is a member of the Class of 1894.
George Allison Hench is a member of the Class of 1885.
View of Rev. Elmer Etherington Jones (class of 1896) with two of his children around 1910.
The Union Philosophical Society outside Bosler Memorial Library in 1910.
Professor James H. Morgan ('78) is standing in the front row, second from the right.
This image is #272 of the oversized photograph collection.
John Black, Jr., a member of the Class of 1862, in the summer of 1911.
Trustee Horatio Collins King is a member of the Class of 1858.
The Union Philosophical Society outside Bosler Memorial Library in 1912.
President James H. Morgan ('78) is standing in the first row on the far left.
This image is #274 of the oversized photograph collection.
Members of Alpha Chi Rho at their anniversary banquet on January 20, 1912. The man marked with a red dot on his collar is John Hemphill ('12).
The Class of 1870 take a group photograph at their 30th reunion in 1900.
This image is #7 of the oversized photograph collection.
Eight members of the Class of 1874 at their 40th reunion with former Professor Charles Francis Himes ('55).
This image is #9 of the oversized photograph collection.
Former Professor Charles Francis Himes is a member of the Class of 1855.
Robert Emmet McAlarney is a member of the Class of 1893.
President James Henry Morgan with (Class of 1878) other Dickinson College faculty at Pocono Pines around 1915.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: "Company of Dickinson teachers at Pocono Pines for summer school."
President James Henry Morgan (Class of 1878) around 1915.
President James Henry Morgan is a member of the Class of 1878.
Professor Leon Cushing Prince is a member of the class of 1898.
Lewis Sterrett Sadler is a member of the Class of 1894.
Members of the Class of 1900 at their 15 year reunion.
Alumni from the Class of 1900 pose with pennants during their reunion in 1915.
Class of 1896 pose during their Twentieth Reunion.
Standing: Elmer Etherington Jones, Merkel Landis, Henry Samuel Noon, Lewis Alonzo Dyer, Harry Linwood Price, James Lewis Nutting Channel, James Harvey Line, Evertt Andrew Burnes, Judson T. Strickler, George Wayne Channel, Walter Greenough Steel, Ralph Jacobs.
Kneeling: John Rogers Edwards, Howison E. Hoover, John Francis Porter.
Alumni of the Class of 1896 gather at their reunion headquarters in 1916.
Left to right
Back row: Walter Greenough Steel, Elmer Etherington Jones, Merkel Landis
Center row: Henry Samuel Noon, John Francis Porter, Everett Andrew Burnes, Lewis Alonzo Dyer, James Lewis Nutting Channel, Ralph Jacobs
Front row: Harry Linwood Price, James Harvey Line, Judson T. Strickler, John Rogers Edwards, George Wayne Channel, Howison E. Hoover
View of Zatae Longsdorff Straw (Class of 1887) in an American Legion uniform along with her son David Straw.
View of Phi Kappa Sigma brothers from several different schools in military uniforms at the Plattsburgh Barracks in New York during the summer of 1918. The men marked with numbers 1, 3, 4, 7, 10 are from Dickinson. Other schools include Penn State, Richmond College, Randolph Macon, West Virginia, and Georgia Tech.
The Straw family at a victory parade in Manchester, New Hampshire after World War I in November 1918.
Left to Right: Zatae Gale Straw ; Lydia Haverstick Longsdorff ; Enid Straw Chamberlin ; Gertrude M. Grey ; Carlo the dog ; Wayne C. Straw ; Zatae Longsdorff Straw