Kappa Sigma Beer Stein, 1959

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00832
Shelf 14 (housed with AC 00829, AC 00830, AC 00833, AC 00836, AC 00837 AC 00838)

Ceramic beer stein with Kappa Sigma's symbol on the front and "Dickinson College" printed on the top. The year "1959" is printed in the middle of the stein through the symbol.  Belonged to George Kessler Livezey III (Class of 1959). 

Kappa Sigma Paddle, 1963

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00758
RR 01 (housed with AC 000248, AC 00249, AC 00412, AC 00598)

Dark brown, 3.5 foot long, wooden Kappa Sigma fraternity paddle. On the front a Dickinson flag, Dickinson Seal, and Devil sitting on a "D" can be found. "What M[image of a hat]E worry?" can be seen across the top. On the back "Al 1963, "KΣ", and "Joe 1964" are shown around the fraternity seal. This paddle was given to Joe Icenhower when he pledged Kappa Sigma.
