Waidner-Spahr Hard Hats, 1998
Two white heavy duty plastic hard hats, one belonging to Richard Krick, used during construction of the Waidner-Spahr Library in 1998.
Two white heavy duty plastic hard hats, one belonging to Richard Krick, used during construction of the Waidner-Spahr Library in 1998.
White flat-top style band cap with wide red band, red cord, and Dickinson embroidered in red. The cap was donated in 2000 by Lewis Gobrecht and is thought to have originally been used in the mid 1950's.
A white painter's cap with an image of Old West's doorway pictured in red. These caps were given to Dickinson Fund volunteers in 1985. The Archives has two caps.
Raven's Claw cap belonging to George Shuman, Jr. This cap would have been work by Shuman to represent his affiliation with the honor society. Raven's Claw is made up of seven senior Dickinson males.
Wheel and Chain hat belonging to Dr. Mary Moser, Class of 1972. Dr. Moser would wear this hat to symbolize her affiliation with the Wheel and Chain honorary Society. Wheel and Chain is an honor society that consists of women from Dickinson's senior class.
A red felt beanie printed with white "D" distributed for the Charter Day celebration on September 16, 2010. This was the first year that Charter Day was celebrated by the college.
This Wheel and Chain hat from 1945 was worn by Christine Myers Crist, class of 1946. The hat was donated by Jane Myers Seller, class of 1955, in 2012.
This hat belonged to Raven's Claw member John Christian Arndt III, Class of 1931 and was worn to symbolize his affiliation with the honor society. Raven's Claw is an all male senior honor society that admits seven male members of the Dickinson campus.