Dickinson Alumnus, December 1944

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Trustees appointed Professor Cornelius William Prettyman (class of 1891) as the 21st President.
  • Fighter pilot Capt. Samuel F. Hepford (class of 1940) returned home to Pennsylvania on leave after 150 mission against Japan.
  • Several alumni were killed in action, including Major John Owing Cockey Jr. (class of 1940), Lt. Norman C. Watkins Jr. (class of 1944), and First Lieutenant John W. Ell (class of 1940).
  • Clayton G. Going (class of 1937) published Dogs at War, which described the activities of "America's first war dog army. "
  • Thelma M. Smith (class of 1935), a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania, published "Feminism in Philadelphia, 1790-1850" in the July issue of Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography.
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Dickinson Alumnus, September 1944

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Trustees appointed Professor Cornelius William Prettyman (class of 1891) as Acting President after President Fred P. Corson (class of 1917) resigned following his election as a Bishop of the Methodist Church.
  • The College rented the new Phi Delta Theta fraternity house for use as an additional dormitory for women.
  • Corporal Walter H. Marshal (class of 1943) died after the USS Hamilton, a transport ship, was sunk by enemy action in the Mediterranean. Lt. Jack Bright Spangenburg (class of 1939) was killed in action in Italy.
  • Staff sergeant Charles Walter Benner (class of 1944), who had been reported as missing in action, was actually a prisoner of war in Germany.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Richard H. Ellis (class of 1941) honored after completing 150 combat missions in the South Pacific. The Alumnus reprinted an article from Cosmopolitan that focused on Lt. Col. Ellis ("No Peace in These Skies" by Lee Van Atta).
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