Women's Soccer Team, 1987

The 1987 Women's Soccer team.

First Row (left to right): Cheryl Huskins, Christine Smith, Kate Stark, Jennifer Hulford, Stacy Laudermilch, Carolyn Myers

Second Row: Amy Shook, Rachel Keen, Sarah Nickerson, Melanie Trutnik, Stephanie Bartlett, Merrie Leonard, Shana Weinhold

Third Row: Assistant Coach, Maureen O'Connor, Michelle Wiragh, Lisa Stewart, Gloria Westgate, Aletha Rizzi, Mary Scheetz, Jennifer Monaghan, Julie Karish.

Photograph Archives

Women's Soccer Team, 1988

The 1988 Women's Soccer team takes a team photo with Coach Al Masland.

First Row (left to right): Kate Stark, Maureen O'Connor, Michellle Wiragh, Jen Hulford. 

Second Row: Kendra Whiting, Theresa Stowski, Jessica Hyde, Merrie Leonard, Christine Smith, Laura Lovier, Rachel Keen, Laura Stotz, Susie James, Carolyn Myers.

Third Row: Kirsten Nixa, Stacey Ebbs, Amy Shook, Jeanne Ruane, Sarah Hepp, Jen Monaghan, Sue Simpson, Roteann Bassler.

Photograph Archives

Two friends smile, c.1991

Will Febbo ('91) rests his head on the shoulder of Jennifer Monaghan ('91) during on a bus trip while studying in Malaga, Spain.

If you can identify anyone in this photograph or provide any additional information, please contact the Archives (archives@dickinson.edu). This image is slide 220 of the Class of 1991 Senior Slideshow.

Slide Archives
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