"Who Framed Lily White?" Lillybill - July 21, 1996
Program for "Who Framed Lily White?" performed by Lily White and Company.
Lily-Gram - Summer 1994
The Lily-Gram is a newsletter produced by the Lily White & Company for members of the company. Highlights in this issue include:
- "A Busy Year (so far)!"
- "Lily in La-La Land Hits the Hotel July 24th!"
- "And Now, a Word from the Prez..."
"A Lily White Christmas Twee" Lilybill - December 4, 1994
Program for "A Lily White Christmas Twee" performed by Lily White and Company at The Paper Moon on December 4, 1994.
"Broadway Angel: A Drag Christmas Carol" Program - December 5 and 12, 1993
Program for "Broadway Angel: A Drag Christmas Carol" performed by Lily White & Company at the Paper Moon restaurant in Harrisburg, PA on December 5 and 12, 1993. This program also includes a timeline of Lily White and Company history.
Lily-Gram - August 1993
The Lily-Gram is a newsletter produced by the Lily White & Company for members of the company. Highlights in this issue include:
- "President's Column: Something Happened on the Way to the Festival"
- "WITF Volunteer Nite"
- "New Acting Managing Director"
- "Fall Flea Market"
A Lily White Christmas Too program – December 4, 1992
Event program for "A Lily White Christmas Too" performed by Lily White & Company at the D-Gem in Harrisburg, PA on December 4, 1992.
"A Hystery of the World According to Lily" Program - August 6, 1992
Event program for "A Hystery of the World According to Lily" performed by Lily White & Company in the Harrisburg Hotel Grand Ballroom on August 6, 1992.
Leather & Lamé (…or, Hearts & Straps Forever!) program – February 16, 1992
Program for the "Leather & Lamé …or, Hearts & Straps Forever!" performance by Lily White & Company at Club Raje on February 16, 1992.