Sat., May 24, 1856

Nine men of Dickinson, along with ten of their female friends from around town, took a four-horse omnibus and a two-horse carriage to Sterretts Gap, about eight miles from the college, for a picnic.  Horatio Collins King (Class of 1858) reported on the day's events: "Company assembled at 9 o'clock.  I ran around considerable: bought lemons, sugar, pine-apples &c.  All aboard and started at 9 1/2 [9:30am].  Arrived at our destination about 12.  Boys walked up the mountain.  Pic-nic place on top the mountain.  Fine spring &c., &c.  Had dinner and then commenced the pleasures."  The party traveled to an observatory on the side of the mountain that allowed a view of the Cumberland Valley.  The men and women played some music before returning to Carlisle at about 10:30pm.

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