Joseph Clemens diaries

Collection Inventory
Date Range
The collections consists of the diaries of Joseph Clemens and his wife, Mary Knapp Strong Clemens. Joseph Clemens was born in Cornwall, England. He left England and entered Dickinson College at the age of 28, graduating in the class of 1894. He entered the Methodist ministry and served as a United States Army Chaplain, 1901-1918. After studying at the University of Southern California from 1912 to 1922, he returned to the Far East as an evangelist and botanist, working in the Philippines and in New Guinea; it was there that he died during a botanical expedition. Joseph Clemens' diaries cover his early career as a student and chaplain: 1892-93, 1895-98, and 1902-21; Mary Clemens' diaries are from 1903 and 1905.
MC 2001.17