Letters from James Buchanan to Mr. Lane and James L. Reynolds

James Buchanan writes to Mr. Lane and James L. Reynolds regarding paying bills, political appointments, and Buchanan's political future.
James Buchanan writes to Mr. Lane and James L. Reynolds regarding paying bills, political appointments, and Buchanan's political future.
Harriet Lane writes Lily Macalester with gossip about mutual acquaintances and discusses Wheatland. Lane lives with her uncle, James Buchanan, in Pennsylvania. Transcript included.
First Lady Harriet Lane writes to Lily Macalester about the going ons of Washington D.C., her trip to Pennsylvania, Macalester's trip to West Point, as well as various bits of gossip.
Hetty Parker, James Buchanan's housekeeper, writes to James B. Henry, Buchanan's nephew.
Hetty Parker, James Buchanan's housekeeper, writes to James B. Henry, Buchanan's nephew. Parker reports news of various Buchanan family relatives and friends, including Miss Ward, Mr. Lane, Miss Harriet, and many others. Transcript included.
James Buchanan writes to his nephew and legal ward, James Buchanan Henry, regarding commencement at Princeton and Henry's plans for after graduation.
James Buchanan writes to his nephew and legal ward, James Buchanan Henry. Buchanan is pleased with the news of Henry's success from his last letter.
James Buchanan Henry writes to his uncle, US Senator James Buchanan, and describes some of his experiences at his new school.