Letters from James Buchanan to Robert Tyler

James Buchanan writes a total of six letters to Robert Tyler expressing his opinions on various contemporary political developments.
James Buchanan writes a total of six letters to Robert Tyler expressing his opinions on various contemporary political developments.
Senator James Buchanan writes to Senator Reuel William regarding the 1838 gubernatorial election in Pennsylvania between Joseph Ritner and David Porter. Transcript included.
James Buchanan writes five letters to James Campbell regarding Pennsylvania politics, the Democratic conventions, President Franklin Pierce's appointments, and Buchanan's experience working as the United States Minister to the United Kingdom.
Senator James Buchanan writes to J. C. Plumer regarding the fate of a Bank Bill that the House of Representatives had recently approved. "We shall show it off in its naked deformity before it passes the Senate," as Buchanan observes.
James Buchanan writes two letters to Henry Shippen regarding purchasing land out west, a judicial appointment in Iowa, Pennsylvania politics, the financial system, and the Deposit Law of 1836.
Senator James Buchanan writes Benjamin Champneys, a Pennsylvania State Senator, to thank him for his help "in rescuing me from the hands of the Philistines" and to discuss several political issues.