"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

Publisher: New York: Fleming H. Revell Company

Volume 2 of the Boyd Lee Spahr Lectures in Americana series includes essays from scholars that focus on various aspects of Dickinson College's history.

SC 378.748 D553b
Time Period

Letters from Alexander McClure to Eli Slifer, 1850-52

Letters from Alexander McClure to Eli Slifer, 1850-52

Alexander McClure writes sixteen letters to Eli Slifer, a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, on a number of different topics, including the senatorial and representative delegate elections, reports on "Abolishing Capital Punishme

MC 2003.4, B7, F10
Time Period

"Capital Punishment," by Singleton Mercer Ashenfelter

"Capital Punishment," by Singleton Mercer Ashenfelter
June 27, 1864

Singleton Mercer Ashenfelter prepared this oration, entitled "Capital Punishment," for the Junior Prize (Grigg Prize) contest held on June 27, 1864. Eleven members of the Junior class gave speeches on a variety of subjects. 

Time Period

Journal of Moncure D. Conway

Journal of Moncure D. Conway

Moncure Daniel Conway, a 1849 graduate of Dickinson College, records a critical time in his personal development as he moves from life as a Methodist preacher to Harvard Divinity School, Unitarianism, and freethought, meeting and befriending Ralph

MC 1999.6, B2, F8
Time Period

Women's Center Newsletter (Sep. 1985)

Women's Center Newsletter (Sep.  1985)
September 6, 1985

The Women's Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Center of Dickinson College, this short issue welcomes new students, calls for student feminists for a feminist support group on campus, and informs the student body to watch for ne

RG 9/8 - 2.5.4
Time Period

100th Anniversary of Women at Dickinson

100th Anniversary of Women at Dickinson
Fall 1984

This flier announces upcoming events for the 100th Anniversary of Women at Dickinson, including lectures like "A History of Women at Dickinson," seminars like "American Understandings of College Reunions As Seen In Literature and Film," panel pres

RG 9/8 - 2.5.2
Time Period

Dickinson College Women's Newsletter (Oct. 1975)

Dickinson College Women's Newsletter (Oct. 1975)
October 1975

The Dickinson College Women’s Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs.

Selected highlights from this issue include:

RG 8/203, B1, F1
Time Period

Dickinson Women's Newsletter (Jan. 1974)

Dickinson Women's Newsletter (Jan. 1974)
January 1974

The Dickinson Women’s Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs.

Selected highlights from this issue include:

RG 5/99, S11, B8, F36
Time Period