Number of Pages
April 1974

The Dickinson Women's Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs.

Selected highlights from this issue include:

  • "Having Options as a Women: H. O. W?," by Pamelee McFarland. 
  • Schedule for the Spring Film Festival, which include Elia Kazan's Splendor in the Grass (1961). 
  • Editorial on the draft and women serving in the military. "Women in the Army?" 
  • Review of the Dickinson production of The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds. 
  • "Women and Medicine," by Kathy Rosen. 
  • "Women Grow Through Scouting," by Gail Tyson. 
  • "Dickinson Women Volunteer at Family Planning," by Doneby Smith.
Time Period
RG 5/99, S11, B8, F36
Original Accession
Dickinson Women's Newsletter (Apr. 1974)