1960 Commencement Program

This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on June 6, 1900 shows the order of exercises and lists the members of the graduating class from the college.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on June 26, 1873 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on June 24, 1869 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on June 27, 1867 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on June 28, 1866 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on June 29, 1865 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on June 26, 1862 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 11, 1861 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 12, 1860 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 14, 1859 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 8, 1858 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 9, 1857 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 10, 1856 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 12, 1855 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 13, 1854 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 14, 1853 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 8, 1852 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on June 26, 1851 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 12, 1849shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 13, 1848 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.
This copy of the printed program for the commencement exercises held on July 8, 1847 shows the members of the graduating class and the speeches that they were scheduled to deliver.