Number of Pages
May 1974

The Dickinson Women’s Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs.

Selected highlights from this issue include:

  • Article on a panel hosted by the women's honorary society discussing women as leaders. 
  • "Meanderings," by Barbara Chaapel. 
  • "[Florynce] Kennedy to Speak," by Pamelee McFarland. 
  • "Reflections on the Women at Dickinson," by Joan Eltonhead. 
  • A piece detailing the schedule and intent of the Spring Festival of Films and the Community Feminist Theater. 
  • "Two Generations," by S. J. and G. J. O’ Neill. 
  • "Dialogue with Terry White," by Patricia Torres.
Time Period
RG 8/203, B1, F1
Original Accession
Dickinson Women's Newsletter (May 1974)