Alpha Chi Rho Tie Pin, c.1953

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00865
Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00863, AC 00864, AC 00866, AC 00867, AC 00868, and AC 00869)

The pin has white stones (unclear whether they are precious stones) are made in the shape of a shepherd's crook and the red stones in the shape of an "X" - to the left of the "X" is a hand which is extended and to the right of the "X" is a torch.  Attached to the chain is the Greek letters for Alpha Chi Rho and engraved on the back of the tie pin is "James Lewis Pritchard '53".

Cheerleading Letter, c.1950

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00861
Shelf 22

Made out of red and white felt-like material.  The overall shape of the cheerleading letter is the shape of a "D" with a megaphone through it.


Southfork Ranch Belt Buckle, 1980

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2016.04_21
Shelf 40 (Box 6)

A belt buckle with "SOUTHFORK RANCH" above a ranch house and "Phil" on the roof. The "Phil" is for Philip Capice. Below the house the text reads "Dallas Texas U.S.A".


Dickinson Jacket, c.1966

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00826
RR 07 (housed with AC 00827, AC 00828)

White jacket with red trim. Dickinson College seal on front left breast pocket.


Dickinson Letter Sweater, 1965

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00811
RR 02 (housed with AC 00465-466, AC 00812)

A yellowing white knit track sweater with gold-colored buttons and a large red and white fabric letter "D" on the left side. This object belonged to Jim Hatch. 


Jive Turkeys Jersey, c.2004

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00809
Shelf 10 (housed with AC 00803-00808, AC 00810)

A light blue and dark blue jersey, size medium, with the Jive Turkeys team design, featuring a turkey and the text "The Jive Turkeys" in blue and "Jickinson College Ultimate" in red. On the back "George W. Bush 666" is printed in blue. This item belongs to Andrew Cassidy-Amstutz. 


Devil's Advocates T-Shirt, 2004

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00808
Shelf 10 (housed with AC 00803-00807, 00809-00810)

A tan T-Shirt, no tag, with a cartoon figure of the red devil with a pitchfork and text around it in red that reads "DICKINSON COLLEGE 2004" on the upper left corner of the chest. On the back "COME ON BABY LIGHT MY FIRE" written in a flame design with the devil cartoon as the "i" in "FIRE". Underneath is the text "DEVIL'S ADVOCATES" in red. 


Morgan Crunch T-Shirt, c.2001

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00807
Shelf 10 (housed with AC 00803-00806, AC 00808-00810)

A white T-Shirt, size XL, with the Dickinson compass seal in red on the upper left corner of the chest. On the back "I survived the Morgan Crunch! 2001-2002" is printed in red. 


Home Grown T-Shirt, 2003

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00806
Shelf 10 (housed with AC 00803-00805, 00807-00810)

A light blue T-Shirt, size large, with black text on the upper left corner of the chest that reads "HOME GROWN, CAMPUS ACTIVITIES BOARD, Dickinson College, April 30, 2003". On the back "STAFF" is printed in black. 


Mail Services T-Shirt, c.2003

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00805
Shelf 10 (housed with AC 00803-00804, AC 00806-00810)

A light pink T-Shirt, size medium, with text in red on the upper left corner of the chest that reads "DICKINSON COLLEGE MAIL SERVICES". On the back "STAFF" is printed in red.


Intramural Champion T-Shirt, c.2003

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00804
Shelf 10 (housed with AC 00803, AC 00805-00810)

A red T-shirt, size large, with a white and black design on the front featuring six different sports balls and the text "DICKINSON Intramural Champion '03-'04".


Embroidered Handkerchief, c.1880

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2002.2_5
Shelf 32 Box 2

A white handkerchief embroidered with floral designs and scalloped  edges. This handkerchief belonged to Zatae Longsdorff, class of 1887.


Floral Design Beaded Moccasins, c.1890

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2002.2_4
Shelf 32 Box 4

A pair of tan leather moccasins believed to be from the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes at Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho. The pair of moccasins are decorated with an intricate beaded floral design with pink, yellow, gold, blue, black, green and white beads. One of the flaps of fabric around the ankle is trimmed with dark blue and red fabric. This pair of moccasins belonged to Zatae Longsdorff, class of 1887.


Multicolored Beaded Moccasins, c.1890

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2002.2_3
Shelf 32 Box 4

A pair of tan leather moccasins believed to be from the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes at Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho. The moccasins are decorated with intricate beaded designs in pink, yellow, light blue, green, red, white and dark blue. This pair belonged to Zatae Longsdorff, class of 1887.


Blue and Red Beaded Moccasins, c.1890

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2002.2_2
Shelf 32 Box 4

A pair of tan leather moccasins that are beaded with light blue, blue, red and white beads. These moccasins are believed to be from the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes at Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho and belonged to Zatae Longsdorff, class of 1887.


Letter Sweater, c.1930

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00511
RR 02 (housed with AC 00491-492, 00512)

An off-white knit wool letter sweater with a big red varsity letter "D" sewn onto the front. The sweater was worn by Edward Johnson (Class of 1932), captain of the varsity football team. 


Japanese Footwear

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00275
Shelf 21

Two pairs of red painted wooden Japanese traditional footwear. One pair has a pair of plastic red and white polka dotted toe covers. There are a total of seven pairs of shoes in the collection. 
