Dickinson College 45th Reunion Hat, 1999

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00870
Reading Room Shelf 1 (housed with AC 00851, AC 00858, AC 00859, and AC 00860)

The hat, which is made out of red polyester, is for the Class of 1954's 45th Reunion in June 1999.  In the first row on the front of the hat is "Dickinson College" embroidered, in the next line is "1954 D 1999", and in the final row are the words "45th Reunion, June 11 - 13".

Alumni decals, c.2004

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00485
Shelf 26 (housed with AC 00221, AC 00485, AC 00489, AC 00508 - AC 00510, AC 00516)

Clear, rectangular decals with compass seal and “ALUMNI” printed in red and white.


Class of 2006 water bottle

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00333
Shelf 26

Red and white plastic water bottle with lid, cap, and straw. Dickinson College compass logo and “Welcome Class of 2006 from the "Dickinson College Alumni Association” printed on the sides in red.
