"D" Felt Letter, 1963

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00791
Reading Room Shelf 4 (housed with AC 00768-69, AC 00781-85, AC 00788-89)
A large Dickinson “D” made of red and white felt material with a small felt baseball sewed onto the bottom of the “D”. On the back “Dave Chapin 1963 Captain” is written in black marker next to the manufacturer’s sticker.

Charter Day Shirt, 2012

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00782
Reading Room Shelf 4 (housed with AC 00768-69, AC 00781, AC 00783-85, AC 00788-89, AC 00791)

A red T-shirt, size small, with “Dickinson Charter Day 229 Years” in black text on the left side of chest and a drawing of Old West with the text “Dickinson Rockin’ since 1783” in black on the back.


Red Beanie, 1953

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00769
RR 04 (housed with AC 00768, 00781-85, 00788-89, 00791)

A red, felt beanie with “’53” in white felt on the front. Donor describes this hat as a replacement for one that he received as a Freshman. On the tag inside the hat "J. P." is written in black marker.


Red Dickinson Pennant

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00768
RR 04 (housed with AC 00769, AC 00781-85, AC 00788-89, AC 00791)

A triangular, red Dickinson pennant about a foot long, with “Dickinson” printed in white text.
