Golden Alumni Name Tag, 1987

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2012.6_3
Shelf 34

A rectangular paper name tag in a plastic sleeve with two attached golden ribbons with the text "GOLDEN" on the left ribbon and "ALUMNI" on the right ribbon. The name tag has a gold trim which frames the hand written name "Velva Diven Daihl, 1927" and "DICKINSON COLLEGE" typed in black. This object belonged to Velva Diven Daihl, class of 1927. 


Dickinson Reunion Nametags (2), c.1986

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2005.1_5
Shelf 34 Box 1

Two reunion name tags, both belonging to Ruth Trout, class of 1936. Both name tags are rectangular pins with ribbons attached to them, one with yellow ribbons with "Golden Alumni" in black text and the other has a white ribbon with "50th Reunion" in black and red text. The tag with the yellow ribbons features a tag with a gold trim and the text "Ruth Trout 1936" handwritten in black ink and "Dickinson College" in black typed text. The other tag features a picture of Ruth Trout and her name hand written in black ink. 
