Allison Memorial Church plate
China plate with oil-lamp and flower pattern, black engraving of Allison Memorial Church in center.
China plate with oil-lamp and flower pattern, black engraving of Allison Memorial Church in center.
Bronze medal with views of Dickinson and Lycoming College and St. Paul’s and Old Stone Churches produced in commemoration of the centennial of the Methodist Church in 1969.
Pins and ribbons worn by officials at the 4th Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference of the Methodist Church in 1952.
Five silver medallions housed in small round cases, which were produced for the Methodist Church in 1866 by Warner & Sons.
Small silver medal featuring West College on obverse with Susanna Wesley and son, John Wesley, on reverse. The medal was produced for centennial of the Methodist Church in 1866.
Larger silver medal featuring John Wesley and inscriptions, produced for centennial of the Methodist Church in 1866.
Smaller copper medal featuring West College on obverse with Susanna Wesley and son John on reverse; larger copper medal featuring John Wesley and inscriptions, both produced for centennial of the Methodist Church in 1866.