Pints with Profs Glass, 2012

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00701
Shelf 19 (housed with AC 00699)

A green glass made by members of the Class of 2012 from recycled wine bottles for “Pints with Profs” event. On the front of the glass in white is the college seal and "Dickinson Class of 2012".

Alpha Chi Rho Formal Fans, 1952 and 1957

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00523
Shelf 18 (housed with AC 00522-00527)

Two black wood folding fans, with black cloth featuring red flowers and the text "Alpha Chi Rho" in red and white. Small explanation booklets are attached to the fans reading "AXP, A Chinese Garden Spring Formal May 17, 1952" or "AXP, Dickinson Spring Formal, April 27, 1957". These were given out by the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity during the Formal dances of 1952 and 1957.


Freshman Beanie and Name Tag, 1967

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00453
Shelf 18 (housed with AC 00451, 00452)

A red felt Freshman Beanie ("dink") with "71" on the back in white and a Dickinson College Name Tag with the name "Michael Trachtman" typed in black under the college seal and "Dickinson College" in red. Trachtman is a member of the Class of 1971.

English 404 T-shirt, 1993

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00503
Shelf 16 (housed with AC 00499, 00500, 00502)

White t-shirt from first English 404 senior experience as part of new English major. Printed with quotes about writing.


Dickinson Caf Tray, 2010

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00596
Shelf 9

A red cafeteria tray with the college seal in the top right corner. The use of trays was discontinued in 2010, and a tray was presented as a gift to the each member of the class of 2010 during graduation by President Bill Durden.


Lewis Gobrecht's Freshman Beanie and Sign, 1951

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00436
Shelf 2 (housed with AC 00432-00436, AC 00443, AC 00459, AC 00470)

Red felt “dink” beanie, and a brown cardboard sign worn by Lewis Gobrecht '55 as a freshman at Dickinson College in 1951. The front of the sign reads "Lewis D. Gobrecht" in large red letters and "AXP" penciled in smaller letters, with a list of names on the back written in pencil, likely the names of the other members of the Alpha Chi Rho pledge class.
