Football Game vs. Drexel University, 1947
Football Game vs. Lycoming College, 1956
Men's Basketball Game vs. Franklin & Marshall College, 1977
Men's Basketball Game vs. Elizabethtown College, 1974
Cheerleaders at Football Game vs. Franklin & Marshall College, 1979
Football Game in the Snow, c.1937
Dickinson Doings: Corson Inauguration, Commencement, Snowball Fight, 1935
The Dickinson Alumnus magazine produced this film, which includes footage of Fred Pierce Corson's presidential inauguration on May 4, 1935, the 1935 Commencement on June 10, a football game against Gettysburg in fall 1934, different views of campus, the Law School's Trickett Hall, a snowball fight in front of Denny Hall, as well as a train going through snow on West High Street.
John Dickinson, His College, 1948
"John Dickinson, His College" is a video filmed during the 1947-1948 academic year for prospective students as well as part of the celebration for Dickinson's 175th Anniversary. It shows footage of various campus buildings, downtown Carlisle, faculty and administration, students, classroom instruction, chapel, sports, convocation, and clips from the parade to celebrate Dickinson's 175th Anniversary.
Women's Basketball Game vs. Gettysburg College, 1977
Women's Basketball Game vs. Moravian College, 1982
Football Game vs. Washington and Jefferson College, 1938
Football Game vs. Haverford College, 1936
Football Game vs. Albright College, 1939
Football Game vs. Lafayette College, 1936
Football Game vs. Allegheny College, 1934
This video includes clips of a football game between Dickinson College and Allegheny College on October 20, 1934. This game, which Dickinson wins 21-0, is held at Dickinson's Biddle field. It also features a short clip of a parade, possibly during halftime, of a band and students.
Football Game vs. Gettysburg College, 1939
Football Game vs. Ursinus College, 1936
Football Game vs. Juniata College, 1931
This video includes clips of Dickinson's first game of the 1931 season against Juniata College. This game, which Juniata wins 6-0, is held at Dickinson's Biddle field on October 3, 1931.