Inter-Collegiate Debate 1925

Date of Event
Fri., Mar. 6, 1925

This debate was held on March 6, 1925 in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That Congress should have the power by a two-thirds vote to make effective a federal law which has been pronounced unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. Dickinson College argued the affirmative, while Buncknell University argued the negative.

Event Type

Dual Debate 1925

Date of Event
Thu., Feb. 26, 1925

This debate between Lebanon Valley College and Dickinson College was held on February 26, 1925 in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That Congress should have the power by a two-thirds vote to make effective a federal law which has been declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. Lebanon Valley argued the affirmative, while Dickinson argued the negative.

Event Type

Inter-Society Debate 1922

Date of Event
Fri., Feb. 24, 1922

This debate was held on February 24, 1922 at 8:00 pm in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That the United States Government should establish a system of unemployment insurance for the employees in American corporate industry. The affirmative was argued by Dickinson, while Penn State argued the negative.

Event Type

Inter-Collegiate Debate 1916

Date of Event
Wed., Mar. 8, 1916

This debate was held on Wednesday, March 8, 1916 in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That an international police force should be established to enforce international treaties and agreements, and preserve international peace. Dickinson took the affirmative, while the University of Pittsburgh argued the negative. After, each side presented a rebuttal. The event was concluded with the announcement of the winner.

Event Type

Annual Inter-Society Debate 1912

Date of Event
Thu., Feb. 8, 1912

This annual debate was held on Thursday, February 8, 1912 in Bosler Hall. The question posed was: That Greek Letter Fraternities as existing at present in undergraduate colleges are detrimental to the best interests of the academic world. The Belles Lettres Society argued the affirmative, while the Union Philosophical Society argued the negative. The evening was concluded by the decision of the judges.

Event Type

Inter-Collegiate Debate 1901

Date of Event
Fri., Apr. 26, 1901

This debate was held on Friday, April 26, 1901 in Bosler Hall. The topic for debate was: That Mississippi's representation in the National House of Representatives should be reduced in proportion to the decrease in franchise resulting from her suffrage of legislation. State College argued the affirmative, while Dickinson argued for the negative. Following these arguments, each side gave their rebuttal. The evening was concluded by the decision of the judges.

Event Type

Annual Inter-Society Debate 1893

Date of Event
Fri., Apr. 14, 1893

The Belles Lettres Literary Society went up against the Union Philosophical Society in the annual contest, which was held on Friday, April 14th, 1893 in Bosler Memorial Hall. The topic to be debated was: That the present condition of the United States demands the absolute prohibition of all immigration for a period of five years. The Belles Lettres took the affirmative, while the Union Philosophical Society took the negative.

Event Type